These are the values that I hold dear, both personally and professionally. I will be true to this in all your dealings with me.

Curiosity and Optimism

Curiosity and Optimism

I am constantly observing and measuring the world around me. I am never defeated and come up with new answers when everyone else has given up. I see the potential good in most situations and people.

Creativity and Wit

Creativity and Wit

I see the big picture and I am highly creative in my approach to problem-solving. I’m inventive and resourceful. I thrive in an environment where I can share my ideas with others.

Innovation and Intuition

Innovative and Intuitive

I accurately assess situations and provide solutions. I use both intuition and reasoning to understand who people are and their needs and wants. I love developing systems that are well-founded and practical.

Honesty and Compassion

Honesty and Compassion

I nurture my core values and those of others. I thrive at building relationships and providing inspired vision to those around me. I am an excellent team builder and love sharing knowledge and information.

Read more about me here.
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